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Written by Jim

Jim has written and contributed to an extensive literature.
Books and articles are arranged by year.

Selected Publications

Halfpenny, J.C., Walla-Murphy, M., E. Rogers, and D. Tiller. 2009. Track Plates for Mammals. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2009. Presence and Distribution of White-tailed Jackrabbits in Yellowstone National Park. Gunther, K.A., R.A. Renkin, J.C. Halfpenny, S.M. Gunther, T. Davis, P. Schullery, and L. Whittlesey. Yellowstone Science 17(1): 24-32.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2008. Scats and Tracks of North America. 328 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. June 2007. Bears of Yellowstone. 124 pp. Riverbend Publishing, Helena, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. In Press. The Last Lynx, The Last Wolverine, The Last Grizzly, and the Returned Wolf.

Halfpenny, J.C. In Press. Nights: From South to North, Hot to Cold. Pp. ?? In Rick Adams (ed). Reflections by Moonlight: Biologists tales of nocturnal adventures. University of Northern Colorado.

K. Murphy, T.M. Potter, J.C. Halfpenny, K.A. Gunther, T.M. Jones, P.A. Lundberg, N.D. Berg. 2006. Presence and Distribution of Canada Lynx in Yellowstone National Park. Northwest Science 80(3)199-206.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2006. Scats and Tracks of the Mid-West. 149 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2006. Scats and Tracks of the Great Plains. 149 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2006. Scats and Tracks of the Alaska. 149 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2006. Scats and Tracks of the Great Lakes. 150 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2006. Scats and Tracks of the Mid-Atlantic. 151 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2004. Careers: Animal Tracking and Animal Behavior. Pp. 132-135 in Bekoff, M (ed.). Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT.

Zwinger, A. And J. Halfpenny. 2004. Bare Feet, Wet Socks: Writing About Winter. 58 pp. Caldera Press, Pocatello, ID.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2003. Yellowstone Wolves in the Wild. 98 pp. Riverbend Publishing, Helena, MT.

Armstrong, D.M. ; Halfpenny, J.C.; Southwick, C.H. 2001. Vertebrates. Pages 126 - 156 In: Bowman, W.D. and T.R. Seastedt. (eds.) Structure and function of an alpine ecosystem: Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Oxford University Press.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2001. Scats and Tracks of the Southeast. 149 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2001. Scats and Tracks of the Northeast. 150 pp. A Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2000. The Cat You Never See: Elusive Canada Lynx. Bears and Other Top Predators, 2(2):12-13. Blackfoot, ID 83221.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2000. Scats and Tracks of the Desert Southwest. 144 pp. Falcon Publishing Inc., Helena, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C. 2000. Tracking the Great Bear: Breaking the Rules. Bears and Other Top Predators, 2(1):11-13. Blackfoot, ID 83221.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1999. Tracking Elk for Hunter. Video. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT 59030.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1999. Tracking the Great Bears: My Track's Bigger Than Yours. Bears and Other Top Predators, 1(3):11-13. Blackfoot, ID 83221.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1999. Tracking the Great Bears: The Grizzly Difference. Bears and Other Top Predators, 1(2):11-13. Blackfoot, ID 83221.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1999. Tracking the Great Bears: Bear Art. Bears and Other Top Predators, 1(1):11-13. Blackfoot, ID 83221.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1999. Scats and Tracks of the Pacific Coast including British Columbia. 144 pp. Falcon Publishing Inc., Helena, MT.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1999. Tracking the Great Bears: Bear Mothers. Bears Magazine, 2(4):37-38. Tremonton, UT 84337.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1999. A celebration of Bears. Video. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT 59030.

Halfpenny, J., K. Murphy, D. Rhinhart.1999. Lynx: Their Ecology and Biology and How Winter Recreation Effects Them. Pp. 49 to 64 in Olliff, T., K. Legg, and B. Kaeding, editors. 1999. Effect of winter recreation on wildlife of the Greater Yellowstone Area: a literature review and assesment. Report to the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. 315 pp.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1998. Scats and Tracks of the Rocky Mountains. 144 pp. Falcon Publishing Inc., Helena, MT. Winner of the 1999 National Outdoor Book Award, Nature Guidebook Category.

Halfpenny, J.C., D.S. Ireland, L.N. Bonn, D. Thompson. 1998. Tracking Canids: Track and Trail Synopsis. 28 pp. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT 59030.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1997. Tracking: Mastering the Basics. Video. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT 59030.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1996. Basics of Tracking: Computer Electronic Book Series. Volumes for Cougars; Wolves; Lynx, Wolverine, Fisher, and Marten, and General Tracking. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT 59030.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1996. Reprinted 2009. Discovering Yellowstone Wolves: Watcher's Guide. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT 59030.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1996. Tracking the Great Bears: My Track's Bigger Than Yours. Bears and Other Top Predators, 1(3):11-13. Blackfoot, ID 83221.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1996. Tracking the Great Bears: Delisting the Grizzly: Mortalities Exceed Limits. Bears Magazine, 2(4):8-9. Tremonton, UT 84337.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1996. Tracking the Great Bears: Red, White, and Blue Black Bears. Bears Magazine, 2(3):11-12. Tremonton, UT 84337.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1996. Tracking the Great Bears: The Biggest Bear. Bears Magazine, 2(2):10. Tremonton, UT 84337.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1996. Tracking the Great Bears: Mystery Bears. Bears Magazine, 2(1):39, 44. Tremonton, UT 84337.

Litaor, M.I., R. Mancinelli, and J.C. Halfpenny. 1996. The influence of pocket gophers on the status of nutrients in alpine soil. Geoderma 70:37-48.

Kratz, T.K.; Magnuson, J.J.; Bayley, P.; Benson, B.J.; Berish, C.W.; Bledsoe, C.S.; Blood, E.R.; Bowser, C.J.; Carpenter, S.R.; Cunningham, G.L.; Dahlgren, R.A.; Frost, T.M.; Halfpenny, J.C.; Hansen, J.D.; Heisey, D.; Inouye, R.S.; Kaufman, D.W.; McKee, A.; Yarie, J. 1995. Temporal and spatial variability as neglected ecosystem properties: Lessons learned from 12 North American ecosystems. Pp. 359-383. In: Rapport, D.J., C.L. Gaudet, and P. Calow (eds.). Evaluating and Monitoring the Health of Large-Scale Ecosystems. NATO ASI Series, Vol. I 28. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Halfpenny, J.C., R.W. Thompson, S.C. Morse, T. Holden, P. Pezendes. 1995. Snow Tracking. Pages 91-163 in Zielinski, W., and T. Kucera. American Marten, Fisher, Lynx, and Wolverines: Survey Methods for Their Detection. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-157. Phone 510-559-6300.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1995. Tracking the Great Bears: First Bears. Bears Magazine. 1(3):42-43. Tremonton, UT 84337.

Halfpenny, J.C, 1995. Yellowstone's Top Predator: Bears or Wolves. Bears Magazine. 1(2): 21, 30-32, 38. Tremonton, UT 84337.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1995. Tracking Wolves: The Basics. Published Slide Show. A Naturalist's World. Gardiner, MT 59030.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1994. Life in the Mountains: Animals of the mountains. Pp. 80-95 in J.D. Ives (ed.). Mountains: The Illustrated Library of the Earth. Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA.160 pp.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1993. Living Among Ice Bears. Video. A Naturalist's World, Gardiner, MT 59030.

Cohen, A.S. J. Halfpenny, M. Lockley, and E. Michel. 1993. Modern vertebrate tracks from Lake Manyara, Tanzania and their paleobiological implications. Paleobiology, 19(4):433-458.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1993. Winter in the Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ranger Rick, 27(12):24-31.

Walker, D.A., J.C. Halfpenny, M.D. Walker, and C.A. Wessman. 1993. Long-term studies of snow-vegetation interactions. BioScience, 43(5):287-301.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1992. The cold facts of winter. ScienceWorld, 49(7):9-14,18.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1992. Identifying and interpreting lion signs in the field: a workshop. Proceedings of the Mountain Lion - Human Interaction Symposium and Workshop. Colo. Div. Wildl. Denver, CO, April 24-26, 1991.

Halfpenny, J.C., M.R. Sanders, K.A. McGrath. 1992. Human-lion interactions in Boulder county, Colorado: past, present, and future. Proceedings of the Mountain Lion - Human Interaction Symposium and Workshop. Colorado Divison of Wildlife, Denver, CO.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1992. Environmental impacts of powdertracking using fluorescent pigments. Journal of Mammalogy, 73(3):680-685.

Halfpenny, J.C. and M. Heffernan. 1992. Nutrient input to an alpine tundra: an aeolian insect component. Southwestern Naturalist, 37(3):247-251.

Cohen, A., M. Lockley, J. Halfpenny, E. Michel. 1991. Modern vertebrate track taphonomy at Lake Manyara, Tanzania. Palaios, 6:371-389.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1991. The Cold Facts of Winter. Natural History, Dec.:52-60.

Auerbach, N.A. and J.C. Halfpenny. 1991. Snowpack and the subnivean environment for different aspects of open meadow in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, U.S.A. Arctic Alpine Res., 23:41-44.

Elias, S.A. and J.C. Halfpenny. 1991. Fox scat evidence of heavy predation on beetles on the alpine tundra, Front Range, Colorado. Coleopterists Bulletin 45:189-190.

Cohen, A., Lockley, M. G., Halfpenny, J., and Michel, E. 1990. Modern Vertebrate Trackway Formation and Preservation at Lake Manyara , Tanzania : Implications for Paleoecology and Paleobiology, National Geographic Society Open File Report, 130 p.

Cohen, A., Lockley, M. G., Halfpenny, J., and Michel, E. 1990. Vertebrate Track and Trackway Taphonomy: Field/Experimental Data from Lake Manyara ; East African Rift System , Tanzania . Geological Society of America , Abstracts with Program. ??

Lockley, M. G., Cohen, A., Halfpenny, J., and Michel, E. 1990. Vertebrate Trackway Distributions at Lake Manyara , Tanzania : Implications for the Fossil Record. Geological Society of America , Abstracts with Program. ?

Halfpenny, J.C., and R.D. Ozanne. 1989. Winter: An Ecological Handbook. Johnson Books, Boulder, CO.

Halfpenny, J.C. and J. Clark. 1988. Climate Calendars. BioScience, 38:399-405.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1987. A Field Guide to Mammal Tracking in North America. Second edition. Johnson Books, Boulder, CO. 176 pp.

Birkeland, K.W. and Halfpenny, J.C. 1987. Winter Ecology. ScienceTeacher, 54:42-46.

Halfpenny, J.C. 1986. Tracks and Tracking: A " How To" Guide. A Naturalist's World. Published Slide Show.

Halfpenny, J.C. et al., 1986: Bibliography of alpine and subalpine areas of the Front Range, Colorado. University of Colorado, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Res. Occ. Paper, 43. 114 pp.

Southwick, C.H., Golian, S.C., Whitworth, M.R. and Halfpenny, J.C 1986. Population density and fluctuations of pikas (Ochotona princeps) in Colorado. Journal of Mammalogy, 67(1): 149-153.

Nead, D.M. and J.C. Halfpenny. 1984. The status of wolverine in Colorado. Northwest Science, 8:286-289.

Halfpenny, J.C. and Ingraham, K.P. 1983. Growth and development of heather voles. Growth, 47:437-445.

Halfpenny, J.C. (ed.), 1982: Ecological Studies in the Colorado Alpine: A Festschrift for John W. Marr. University of Colorado, INSTAAR Occasional Paper No. 37. 147 pp.

Halfpenny, J.C., Pollak, O. and Heffernan, M.W. 1984. Snowpack patterns in the alpine tundra, Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Proceedings International Snow Science Workshop: A merging of Theory and Practice. Aspen, Colorado, October 24-27. 155-160.

Halfpenny, J.C. and C.H. Southwick. 1982. Small mammal herbivores of the Colorado Alpine Tundra. Pp. 113-123 in Halfpenny, J.C. (ed.). Ecological Studies in the Colorado Alpine: A festschrift to John W. Marr. Arctic and Alpine Research, Occasional Paper No. 37:1-147.

Halfpenny, J.C., D. Nead, and S.J. Bissell. 1979. A bibliography of mustelids. Part vii: wolverine. Fur Animal Project, Dept. of Poultry Science, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing.
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